Articles in international scientific journals

BASTIÃO, Maria (2015), «Mobilidade e cosmopolitismo na Ilha de Moçambique de Setecentos», Diasporas. Histoire et sociétés – dossier «Construire l'empire. Circulations ibériques à l'échelle globale» (article accepted, to be published).

BASTIÃO, Maria (2015), «Women and access to land on the Island of Mozambique (mid-18th century)», African Economic History (article accepted, to be published).

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2013), «Population Censuses in the Portuguese Empire, 1750- 1800. Research notes», Romanian Journal of Population Studies, vol. VII, n.º 1, pp.5-25.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2015), «A Estatística da População na América Portuguesa, 1750-1820», Memorias. Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe, vol. 25, n.º 1, pp.73-103. [read]

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, VOS, Jelmer (2013), «Demografia e relações laborais em Angola, 1800: um ensaio metodológico», Diálogos – Revista do Departamento de História da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, vol. 17, n.º 3, pp.807-834.


MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, e SANTOS, Carlota (orgs.) (2015), A Demografia das Sociedades Insulares Portuguesas, séculos XV a XX, Porto, CITCEM.

SCOTT, Ana Sílvia Volpi, BERUTE, Gabriel, MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (eds.) (2014), Gentes das ilhas. Trajectórias transatlânticas dos Açores ao Rio Grande do Sul entre as décadas de 1740 a 1790, São Leopoldo (RS), Editora Oikos – Universidade Unisinos.

Book chapters

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, SANTOS, Carlota, SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2015), «Dinâmicas demográficas e crises de mortalidade na cidade do Funchal, 1750-1830», in MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, SANTOS, Carlota (orgs.), A Demografia das Sociedades Insulares Portuguesas, séculos XV a XX, Porto, CITCEM, pp.55-76.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014), «A população do arquipélago dos Açores entre o Antigo Regime e o Liberalismo, (1766-1834)», in SCOTT, Ana Sílvia Volpi, BERUTE, Gabriel, MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (eds.), Gentes das ilhas. Trajectórias transatlânticas dos Açores ao Rio Grande do Sul entre as décadas de 1740 a 1790, São Leopoldo (RS), Oikos Editora – Universidade Unisinos, pp.31-59.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014), «Achegas para o estudo da população da ilha de S. Jorge, 1768-2012», in COSTA, Susana Goulart, SILVA, Leonor Sampaio da, CHAVES, Duarte Nuno (coord.), Aquém e Além de São Jorge. Memória e Visão, São Jorge, Centro de História de d’ Aquém e d’ Além-Mar - Misericórdia das Velas, pp.41-55.

SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2014), «Os Açores e os movimentos migratórios para o Brasil, 1766-1834», in SCOTT, Ana Sílvia Volpi, BERUTE, Gabriel, MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (eds.), Gentes das ilhas. Trajectórias transatlânticas dos Açores ao Rio Grande do Sul entre as décadas de 1740 a 1790, São Leopoldo (RS), Oikos Editora – Universidade Unisinos, pp.82-104.

Talks in international scientific meetings

SILVA, Cristina Nogueira da (2015, September 23rd) «"Portugal não tem colónias": a dimensão imperial do Parlamento português no século XIX», Coloquio Internacional La Voz de Ultramar: colónias y representación Política en los Imperios Ibéricos del Siglo XIX, Instituto de História – Centro de Ciencias Humanas e Sociales (CSIC), Madrid.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2015, 11th September), «Demographical tendencies in the Portuguese Empire (1820-1875)», Final International Workshop - The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1822-1875), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

DOMINGUES, Daniel (2015, 10th September), «The Early Population Charts of Portuguese Angola, 1776-1830: A Statistical Analysis», Final International Workshop - The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1822-1875), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

FIOLIĆ, Marta (2015, 10th September), «"Quando a mesa é pobre, o leito é fecundo" - Population evolution in Cape Verde 1822-1875», Final International Workshop - The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1822-1875), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

LUCAS, Patrícia (2015, 10th September), «The demography of Sao Tome and Principe (1822- 1875): disruptions and continuities», Final International Workshop - The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1822-1875), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2015, 10th September), «The COLDEMO Project: a balance», Final International Workshop - The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1822-1875), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, PAULINO, Joana (2015, 10th September), «The population of Portuguese Goa, 1820-1875. An assessment of the sources and global trends», Final International Workshop - The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1822-1875), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

PAIVA, Diogo (2015, 10th September), «The population of Daman and Diu (1820-1875). Continuity in face of a changing India», Final International Workshop - The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1822-1875), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

RATO, Diana (2015, 10th September), «The Macanese from 1820 to 1878: demography, methodology and questioning», Final International Workshop - The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1822-1875), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

VOS, Jelmer (2015, 10th September), «The Transformation Thesis Tested: a Quantitative Analysis of Slavery in Angola, 1800-1875», Final International Workshop - The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1822-1875), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, FONSECA, Miguel, PAULINO, Joana (2015, 28th August), «Abortion and sex selective infanticide in Portuguese Goa, 1753-1877: a preliminary assessment», XXII International Conference of Historical Sciences (Jinan, China), Comité International des Sciences Historiques.

BASTIÃO, Maria (2015, July 15th-17th), «Slave-traffic, slave traders, and knowledge in Mozambique Island (early 19th century)», II CHAM International Conference Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

FONSECA, Miguel, MOREIRA, Maria João Guardado, PINTO, Maria Luís Rocha (2015, July 15th-17th), «Methodological essay for the analysis of ages of colonial populations between the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth», II CHAM International Conference Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

LUCAS, Patrícia Gomes, PAIVA, Diogo (2015, July 15th-17th), «Two plus two equals five. Divergences in statistical production by colonial agents in early 1800's Angola», II CHAM International Conference Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

SILVA, Filipa Ribeiro da (2015, July 15th-17th), «Mozambique's Colonial Population, 1750s-1820s: Sources, Methods and Results», II CHAM International Conference Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

VOS, Jelmer (2015, July 15th-17th), «The commercialization of coffee and rubber in Angola from c. 1830 to 1900», II CHAM International Conference Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

SILVA, Ana Cristina Nogueira da, SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e, MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2015, January 22nd), «A Demografia e os Processos Estatísticos no Ultramar Português 1776-1875», Encontro Internacional Impérios Ibéricos Ultramarinos em Projectos de Investigação: um ponto da situação, Ana Sofia Ribeiro, António Terrasa, Mafalda Soares da Cunha, Pedro Cardim, Rodrigo Bentes Monteiro (orgs). University of Évora.

BASTIÃO, Maria (2014, June 24th-27th), «Na Ilha de Moçambique de Setecentos: transmigração e processos de integração entre África, o Índico e o Atlântico (1770-18)», Taller doctoral «Derechos de las minorias de "raza" y de color en el mundo Atlántico», organized by École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), STARACO associated program (STAtus, RAce et COuleurs dans l’Atlantique), Université de Nantes – CRHIA – Région Pays de la Loire.

BOTELHO, Tarcísio (2014, September 8th), «The Demography of Brazil: an overview, 1776-1820», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

LUCAS, Patrícia Gomes (2014, September 4th), «Aritmética política e estatística da população no Império Português (1750-1820). Uma abordagem preliminar dos territórios de S. Paulo (Brasil), Angola e Goa», X Coloquio Tradición y Modernidad en el Mundo Iberoamericano, Cadiz, Spain.

LUCAS, Patrícia Lucas (2014, September 8th), «The demographics of São Tomé and Principe, 1750-1820», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2013, October 30th), Participação na sessão «Gentes das Ilhas: Trajetórias e mobilidade social no Atlântico sul», Colóquio Internacional de Mobilidade Social e Formação de Hierarquias, Unisinos, Brazil.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014, April 23rd), «Demography and Labour Relations in Portuguese India. The Cross-sections of 1850, 1900 and 1950», European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014, September 8th), «Goa, 1750-1820», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014, September 8th), «Populations trends in Cape Verde, 1776-1834», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2014, September 4th), «Aritmética política e demografia. A construção da estatística da população no império colonial português, 1750-1820», X Coloquio Tradición y Modernidad en el Mundo Iberoamericano, Cadiz, Spain.

MOREIRA, Maria João Guardado, PINTO, Maria Luís Rocha (2014, September 25th), «The quality of demographic data in the first decade of Eight Hundred, in Paraíba do Norte (Brazil), Angola and Goa», Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography, Alghero, Sardinia.

MOREIRA, Maria João Guardado, PINTO, Maria Luís Rocha (2014, September 9th), «Demographic indicators from the original data in Paraíba do Norte, Angola and Goa - the quality of demographic data in 1804», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

PAIVA, Diogo (2014, September 4th), «Estruturas e dinâmicas populacionais no Estado da Índia: os casos de Damão e Diu (1750-1881)», X Coloquio Tradición y Modernidad en el Mundo Iberoamericano, Cadiz, Spain.

PAIVA, Diogo (2014, September 8th), «Daman and Diu, 1749-1820», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

PAIVA, Yamê (2014, September 4th), «A demografia da capitania da Paraíba, 1774-1820. Uma análise preliminar», X Coloquio Tradición y Modernidad en el Mundo Iberoamericano, Cadiz, Spain.

SILVA, Daniel Domingues da (2014, September 8th), «The early population charts of Portuguese Angola, 1776-1820», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

SILVA, Filipa Ribeiro da (2014, April 23rd), «Labour Relations in Portuguese Mozambique, 1800-1950», European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria.

SILVA, Filipa Ribeiro da (2014, September 8th), «The Population Structures of Mozambique, 1776-1822: main trends and shifts», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

SILVA, Filipa Ribeiro da, MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014, April 26th), «Mozambique’s Colonial Population, 1750-1850: Determining urban and rural demographic structures», European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria.

SILVA, Filipa Ribeiro da, RATO, Diana (2014, September 8th), «The Population of Macau, 17702-1820s», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e, MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014, September 8th), «The demography of the Azores islands, 1776-1822», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2014, September 8th), «The Demography of the Madeira archipelago, 1753-1820», 1st International Workshop The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results (1776-1822), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

Talks in national scientific meetings

ALMEIDA, Pedro Tavares de, SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2015, May 4th), «Império, burocracia e elites: o ministério da Marinha e Ultramar, 1835-1911», Seminário/ Workshop Contar, Descrever e Administrar Populações Coloniais, Império Português, sécs. XVIII-XIX, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, PAULINO, Joana (2015, May 4th), «O quadro normativo e as categorias censitárias na Índia Portuguesa, 1776-1881», Seminário/ Workshop Contar, Descrever e Administrar Populações Coloniais, Império Português, sécs. XVIII-XIX, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2015, April 9th), «População e processos estatísticos no império português, 1776-1875. Dados de um projecto em curso», Seminário Marcas do Império: Colonialismo e Pós-Colonialismo na Época Contemporânea, Bárbara Direito (IHC-UNL), Mário Machaqueiro (CRIA), Paulo Jorge Fernandes (IHC-UNL), Pedro Aires Oliveira (IHC-UNL), Teresa Pinto Coelho (IHC-UNL) (orgs.), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

PAIVA, Diogo (2015, June 25th), «Antes da Estatística: dar sentido aos recenseamentos coloniais portugueses (1776-1875)», Workshop Humanidades Digitais, CHAM, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

SILVA, Cristina Nogueira da (2015, May 4th), «Populações coloniais, mapas da população e representação política no Portugal de Oitocentos», Seminário/ Workshop Contar, Descrever e Administrar Populações Coloniais, Império Português, sécs. XVIII-XIX, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

ALVEAL, Carmen (2014, November 11th), «Demografia das famílias escravas africanas e indígenas no início da colonização do Rio Grande, 1680-1720», Workshop Fontes e Métodos para o Estudo das Populações na América Portuguesa. Séculos XVII A XIX, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

BASTIÃO, Maria (2014, November 4th-6th), «A câmara da Ilha de Moçambique e a questão da terra (c. 1763-1800)», Congresso Internacional Municípios e Poderes Locais em África (séculos XVI-XXI), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

BASTIÃO, Maria (2014, June 26th-27th), «A posse e a propriedade da terra na Ilha de Moçambique de Setecentos», Internacional Conference on Property Rights, Land and Territory in the European Overseas Empires, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon.

DOMINGUES, Daniel (2014, June 23rd), «As Origens dos Escravos Embarcados de Angola no Século XIX: Uma Análise Onomástica, Linguística e Étnica», Workshop Uma Visão Para Além dos Números. Tráfico e Escravatura em Angola e Congo nos Séculos XVII a XIX, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014, November 11th), «A estatística da população ordenada pela Coroa na América Portuguesa, 1750-1820», Workshop Fontes e Métodos para o Estudo das Populações na América Portuguesa. Séculos XVII A XIX, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014, June 27th), «A estatística da população e a construção do território na América Portuguesa, 1750-1808», Internacional Conference on Property Rights, Land and Territory in the European Overseas Empires, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014, February 7th), «A população de Goa, 1720-2011. Elementos para uma visão global», Seminário da Rede Interuniversitária de Demografia, Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, SILVA, Tiago (2014, May 19th), «A demografia da ilha Graciosa no século XIX», VI Colóquio O Faial e a Periferia Açoriana nos séculos XV a XX, Auditório do Teatro Faialense, Azores.

VOS, Jelmer (2014, June 23rd), «Escravatura em Mbanza Kongo em finais do século XIX: aspectos laborais e humanos», Workshop Uma Visão Para Além dos Números. Tráfico e Escravatura em Angola e Congo nos Séculos XVII a XIX, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

Workshops & Seminars

Final International Workshop «The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results, 1822-1875», Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon, 2014, September 11th-12th.

Seminário / Workshop «Contar, descrever e administrar populações coloniais. Império português, sécs. XVIII-XIX», Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Faculty of Law – NOVA University of Lisbon, 2015, May 4th.

Workshop «Fontes e métodos para o estudo das populações na América Portuguesa. Séculos XVII a XIX», Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities – NOVA, 2014, November 11th.

I International Workshop «The Demography of the Portuguese Empire. Sources, methods and results, 1776-1822», Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon, 2014, September 8th-9th.

Workshop «Uma visão para além dos números. Tráfico e escravatura em Angola e Congo nos séculos XVII a XIX», Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon, 2014, June 25th.

Panel organization in international scientific meetings

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, SILVA, Ana Cristina da, SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2015, July 17th), Roudtable «Population and statistical censuses in the Portuguese empire: demography and colonial governance, 1776-1875», II CHAM International Conference Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, SOUSA, Paulo Silveira e (2015, July 15th-16th), Panel «Demography and empire: normative framework, sources and methods (18-20th centuries)», II CHAM International Conference Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de, PÉREZ SERRANO, Julio, RAMIRO FARIÑAS, Diego, ROMAN ANTEQUERA, Alejandro (2014, September 4th), Panel «Las poblaciones coloniales de los imperios ibéricos desde el siglo XVIII. Evolución demográfica y control estadístico» X Coloquio Tradición y Modernidad en el Mundo Iberoamericano, Cadiz, Spain.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2014, April 26th), Panel «Colonial Census in the 18th and 19th Centuries; Sources and Methods for Counting Colonial Populations», European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2013, July 18th), Round table «Counting colonial population: demography and the use of statistics in the Portuguese Empire, 1776-1875», CHAM Internacional Conference Colonial (Mis)Understandings. Portugal and Europe in Global Perspective, 1450-1900, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

MATOS, Paulo Teodoro de (2013, June 20th), Panel «La Demografia de las Poblaciones Coloniales Ibéricas», X Congreso Asociacíon de Demografia Histórica, Albacete, Spain.


Undergraduate and Master's optional subject «Counting Colonial Populations. Demography and the use of statistics in the Portuguese Empire, 1776-1910», September 2014 / January 2015, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

Undergraduate and Master's optional subject «Da Demografia Histórica à História Social. Populações, circulação de gentes e interacções sociais no Império Português, sécs. XV a XIX», February 2014 / June 2014, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

Undergraduate optional subject «Counting Colonial Populations», September 2013 / January 2014, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon.

Masters thesis

PINTO, Fernanda Gaspar, «O nascimento fora do casamento na ilha Graciosa (Açores), 1790-1840», Master’s degree in History of the Portuguese Empire, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon and Portuguese Centre for Global History, advisor Paulo Teodoro de Matos (ongoing)